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MK-571 sodium
MK-571 sodium (L-660711 sodium salt) is a selective, orally active antagonist of the CysLT1 receptor. MK-571 sodium is a multidrug resistance protein-2 (ABCC2, Mrp2) inhibitor used to demonstrate the role of Mrp2 in the cellular efflux of drugs, xenobiotics, and their conjugates. MK-571 sodium can inhibit the synthesis of K-4′-O-GlcA (19.7 μM). MK571 dose-dependently inhibits the intracellular biosynthesis of all flavonol sulphates and glucuronides by Caco-2 cells. MK-571 sodium significantly inhibits phase-2 conjugation of kaempferol by cell-free extracts of Caco-2, and production of kaempferol-4′-O-glucuronide was competitively inhibited. In addition to inhibiting MRP2, MK571 is a potent inhibitor of enterocyte phase-2 conjugation.
  • $47
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HYDAMTIQ, a PARP-1 2 inhibitor (IC 50 : 29-38 nM), exhibits a range of pharmacological effects including anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and ischemic protective properties. It effectively reduces pulmonary PARP activity and alleviates symptoms such as allergen-induced cough and dyspnea while also diminishing bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine. Moreover, HYDAMTIQ shows potent tumor suppressor activity in various cancers such as ovarian, breast, prostate, pancreatic, and glioblastoma multiforme. Demonstrating in vivo efficacy, HYDAMTIQ has been tested in animal models for conditions like cerebral ischemia, asthma, and cancer [1].
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10-14 weeks