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aquastatin a

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Aquastatin A
Aquastatin A is a fungal metabolite originally isolated fromF. aquaeductuumthat has diverse biological activities.1It is active againstS. aureus(MIC = 32 μg/ml) and inhibits enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (Fabl; IC50= 3.2 μM) andS. aureusfatty acid synthesis (IC50= 3.5 μM).2Aquastatin A also inhibits the Na+/K+-ATPase and H+/K+-ATPase (IC50s = 7.1 and 6.2 μM, respectively), as well as protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B; IC50= 0.19 μM).1,3 1.Hamano, K., Kinoshita-Okami, M., Minagawa, K., et al.Aquastatin A, an inhibitor of mammalian adenosine triphosphatases from Fusarium aquaeductuum. Taxonomy, fermentation, isolation, structure determination and biological propertiesJ. Antibiot. (Tokyo)46(11)1648-1657(1993) 2.Kwon, Y.-J., Fang, Y., Xu, G.-H., et al.Aquastatin A, a new inhibitor of enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase from Sporothrix sp. FN611Biol. Pharm. Bull.32(12)2061-2064(2009) 3.Seo, C., Soh, J.H., Oh, H., et al.Isolation of the protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitory metabolite from the marine-derived fungus Cosmospora sp. SF-5060Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.19(21)6095-6097(2009)
  • $1,810
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