(2R,3S)-Dihydrodehydroconiferyl alcohol (7R,8S-Dihydrodehydrodiconiferyl alcohol) is a lignan derivative isolated from Kalopanax septemlobus L., which has neurogenic activity and can enhance the activity of NGF-induced neurites.
8-Hydroxypinoresinol diglucoside is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TN3286 and the CAS number is 112747-99-6.
Isololiolide has phytotoxicity, it inhibited seedling growth of cress and barnyard grass. It also showed in vitro activity against both trypomastigote and intracellular amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, with IC50 values of 32 μM and 40 μM, respectively. I
erythro-Guaiacylglycerol is a natural product of Eucommia, Eucommiaceae. The catalog number is TN4008 and the CAS number is 38916-91-5. erythro-Guaiacylglycerol can be used as a reference standard.