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ACAT-IN-1 cis isomer
ACAT-IN-1 cis isomer is a potent ACAT inhibitor (IC50: 100 nM) used for the study of immune system-related diseases.
  • $700
6-8 weeks
trans-Urocanic Acid
trans-Urocanic Acid ((E)-Urocanic acid), a compound predominantly distributed in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, is an isomer of cis-UCA, an epidermal UV-protectant, which enhances the stability of tenofovir eplerenomide in long-acting HIV applications. trans-Urocanic acid potently modulates immune trans-urocanic acid effectively modulates immune function, inhibits human natural killer cell activity in vitro, and can be used in Alzheimer's disease research.
  • $30
In Stock
cis-L-Hydroxyproline inhibits the synthesis and extracellular deposition of collagen. The growth inhibition of pancreatic cancer cells induced by the Hyp isomer could be due to endoplasmatic reticulum stress.
  • $33
In Stock
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
RK-20448 is an ATP-competitive inhibitor of Lck, Src, KDR/VEGF2R, and Tie-2. It also inhibits BLK, Csk, Fyn, and Lyn. RK-20448 is the cis isomer of A-419259
  • $110
35 days
9(Z),11(E)-Conjugated Linoleic Acid (sodium salt)
9(Z),11(E)-Conjugated linoleic acid is an isomer of linoleic acid that has been found in beef and milk fat.1It binds to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα; IC50= 140 nM) and activates the receptor in a reporter assay using COS-1 cells expressing mouse PPARα when used at a concentration of 100 μM.29(Z),11(E)-Conjugated linoleic acid inhibits TNF-α-inducedGLUT4expression and increases insulin-stimulated glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.3Dietary administration of 9(Z)11(E)-conjugated linoleic acid reduces serum fasting glucose, insulin, and triglyceride levels and decreases white adipose tissue macrophage infiltration inob/obmice. It also increases body weight gain and body fat in weanling mice.4[Matreya, LLC. Catalog No. 1278] 1.Shultz, T.D., Chew, B.P., Seaman, W.R., et al.Inhibitory effect of conjugated dienoic derivatives of linoleic acid and β-carotene on the in vitro growth of human cancer cellsCancer Lett.63(2)125-133(1992) 2.Moya-Camarena, S.Y., Heuvel, J.P.V., Blanchard, S.G., et al.Conjugated linoleic acid is a potent naturally occurring ligand and activator of PPARαJ. Lipid Res.40(8)1426-1433(1999) 3.Moloney, F., Toomey, S., Noone, E., et al.Antidiabetic effects of cis-9, trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid may be mediated via anti-inflammatory effects in white adipose tissueDiabetes56(3)574-582(2007) 4.Pariza, M.W., Park, Y., and Cook, M.E.The biologically active isomers of conjugated linoleic acidProg. Lipid Res.40(4)283-298(2001)
  • $492
35 days
Resveratrol is a potent phenolic antioxidant found in grapes, red wine, and various berries that also has antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory activity. cis-Resveratrol is the double bond isomer of trans-resveratrol, the more often studied and naturally abundant of the two resveratrol isomers. cis-Resveratrol exhibits antioxidant activity in the µM range similar to that observed with trans-resveratrol. It blocks production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by inhibition of NAD(P)H oxidase and also inhibits production of nitric oxide. At a concentration of 100 µM, cis-resveratrol significantly inhibits the expression of genes related to the Rel NF-κB IκB family, adhesion molecules, and acute-phase proteins in LPS and INF-γ-stimulated murine peritoneal macrophages. cis-Resveratrol inhibits uptake of noradrenaline and 5-HT by synaptosomes from rat brain with IC50 values of 79 and 51 µM, respectively. It also inhibits human monoamine oxidase-A (MOA-A) and MOA-B with IC50 values of 25 and 61 µM, respectively, which is similar to, but slightly less effective than, values obtained with trans-resveratrol.
  • $50
5 days
(Z)-Aconitic acid
(Z)-Aconitic acid is the cis-isomer of Aconitic an intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle produced by the dehydration of citric acid.
  • $40
In Stock
Photoswitchable PAD Inhibitor (technical grade)
Photoswitchable PAD inhibitor is a photoactivated protein arginine deiminase (PAD) inhibitor and a derivative of BB-Cl-amidine that contains an azobenzene photoswitch allowing optical control of PAD activity.1 Without photoactivation, it is a weak inhibitor of PAD2 (IC50 = >100 μM) and is less potent than BB-Cl-amidine in inhibiting citrulline production in vitro (kinact/KIs = 2,300, 600, 1,000, and 10,510 M-1min-1 for PAD1-4, respectively) and does not inhibit histone H3 citrullination in HEK293T cells overexpressing PAD2 when used at concentrations up to 100 μM. However, it can rapidly be photoactivated with UV-A radiation to the more active cis-isomer, which is an irreversible, competitive inhibitor of histone H3 citrullination with an IC50 value of 9.1 μM.References1. Mondal, S., Parelkar, S.S., Nagar, M., et al. Photochemical control of protein arginine deiminase (PAD) activity. ACS Chem. Biol. 13(4), 1057-1065 (2018). Photoswitchable PAD inhibitor is a photoactivated protein arginine deiminase (PAD) inhibitor and a derivative of BB-Cl-amidine that contains an azobenzene photoswitch allowing optical control of PAD activity.1 Without photoactivation, it is a weak inhibitor of PAD2 (IC50 = >100 μM) and is less potent than BB-Cl-amidine in inhibiting citrulline production in vitro (kinact/KIs = 2,300, 600, 1,000, and 10,510 M-1min-1 for PAD1-4, respectively) and does not inhibit histone H3 citrullination in HEK293T cells overexpressing PAD2 when used at concentrations up to 100 μM. However, it can rapidly be photoactivated with UV-A radiation to the more active cis-isomer, which is an irreversible, competitive inhibitor of histone H3 citrullination with an IC50 value of 9.1 μM. References1. Mondal, S., Parelkar, S.S., Nagar, M., et al. Photochemical control of protein arginine deiminase (PAD) activity. ACS Chem. Biol. 13(4), 1057-1065 (2018).
    6-8 weeks
    Cis,trans-Germacrone, an isomer of Germacrone, demonstrates extensive antitumor, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It hinders lung cancer cell proliferation and impacts the Akt/MDM2/p53 pathway. Additionally, Germacrone induces cell cycle arrest at the G1/S phase [1].
    • $1,520
    13-cis-Vitamin A palmitate
    13-cis-Vitamin A palmitate (13-cis-Retinyl palmitate), a derivative of vitamin A palmitate found in corn flakes, is the 13-cis isomer with 75% of the biological activity of the all-trans form, the most active form of vitamin A [1].
    • Inquiry Price
    13-epi-12-oxo Phytodienoic Acid
    13-epi-12-oxo Phytodienoic acid (13-epi-12-oxo PDA) is a lipoxygenase metabolite of α-linolenic acid in the leaves of green plants such as corn. ω-3 and ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in plants are substrates for plant lipoxygenases. 12-oxo PDA is one of the best studied end metabolites of this enzymatic pathway. While the initial enzymatic product and major isomer of 12-oxo PDA contains side chains in the cis position, both being β to the ring, the upper side chain attached at C-13, can and frequently does, isomerize when 12-oxo PDA is extracted, isolated, or stored. 13-epi-12-oxo PDA is the product of this isomerization.
    • $153
    35 days
    11-cis Retinol
    11-cisRetinol is an isomer of vitamin A . It is formed from vitamin A,viaatrans-retinyl ester intermediate, by the enzyme RPE65 in the retinal pigment epithelium and then converted to 11-cis retinal as part of the visual cycle.1,211-cisRetinol is an agonist of salamander and human red rod opsins expressed in COS cells and an inverse agonist of salamander red cone opsin, as well as human red and green cone opsins expressed in COS cells.3It promotes pigment formation in cone, but not rod, photoreceptors. 1.Rando, R.R.The biochemistry of the visual cycleChem. Rev.101(7)1881-1896(2001) 2.Guignard, T.J.P., Jin, M., Pequignot, M.O., et al.FATP1 inhibits 11-cis retinol formation via interaction with the visual cycle retinoid isomerase RPE65 and lecithin: Retinol acyltransferaseJ. Biol. Chem.285(24)18759-18768(2010) 3.Ala-Laurila, P., Cornwall, M.C., Crouch, R.K., et al.The action of 11-cis-retinol on cone opsins and intact cone photoreceptorsJ. Biol. Chem.284(24)16492-16500(2009)
    • $758
    35 days
    (+)-5-trans Cloprostenol
    Cloprostenol is a synthetic derivative of prostaglandin F2α that is used in veterinary medicine as a luteolytic agent for the induction of estrus and in the treatment of reproductive disorders in cattle, swine, and horses. (+)-5-trans Cloprostenol is a minor impurity produced in the synthesis of (+)-cloprostenol. The (+)-5-trans isomer is 20-fold less active than the 5-cis form in terminating pregnancy in the hamster.
    • $213
    35 days
    5-cis Carbaprostacyclin
    5-cis Carbaprostacyclin, a stable analog of PGI2 and an isomer of carbaprostacyclin, is a weak inhibitor of human platelet aggregation with an IC50 of 2.8 μM compared to 0.3 μM for carbaprostacyclin. It is a much weaker effector of rabbit mesenteric artery relaxation with an EC50 of 104 μM compared to 5.9 μM for carbaprostacyclin and even antagonizes the adenylate cyclase activation induced by carbaprostacyclin.
    • $275
    35 days
    6(S)-Lipoxin A4
    The lipoxins are trihydroxy fatty acids containing a 7,9,11,13-conjugated tetraene. Lipoxin A4 (LXA4) was first described as a metabolite of 15-HpETE and/or 15-HETE when added in vitro to isolated human leukocytes. The material obtained in this manner consists of at least four distinct isomers: 5(S), 6(S); 5(S), 6(R); and the 11-trans and 11-cis isomers of each of these. 6(S)-LXA4 is one of the original four metabolites first identified by Serhan, Nicolaou, and Samuelsson. It was considered to be an artifact by these authors because it lacked the potency of the 5(S),6(R) isomer with respect to contraction of isolated guinea pig lung parenchymal strips. It has not been possible to isolate natural LXA4 from humans or other mammals in amounts sufficient for determination of absolute stereochemistry. Most authors refer to LXA4 as the 5(S)
    • $1,290
    35 days
    9-cis-Vitamin A palmitate
    9-cis-Vitamin A palmitate (9-cis-Retinyl palmitate) is a 9-cis isomer derived from the interaction of vitamin A palmitate in corn flakes, exhibiting 26% of the biological activity of the all-trans-vitamin A palmitate, the most biologically active form of vitamin A.
    • $1,520
    12(Z)-Octadecenoic Acid methyl ester
    Cis-12-Octadecenoic acid, a monounsaturated C-18 fatty acid and positional isomer of oleic acid, exhibits enhanced lipid solubility in its methyl ester form, which serves as an analytical standard.
    • Inquiry Price
    8-10 weeks
    Osbond acid
    Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), a 22-carbon fatty acid primarily found in fish oil, constitutes a minor fraction of the total unsaturated fatty acids in human serum, with concentrations ranging from 0.1% to 1%, which can increase through dietary supplementation. The all-cis-4,7,10,13,16-DPA variant, also known as Austrian acid, represents a specific isomer of DPA and falls into the omega-6 category, synthesized through the elongation and desaturation of arachidonic acid. In conditions such as fatty acid desaturase syndrome, its levels may decrease, potentially influencing development. Furthermore, conditions like nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a precursor to hepatocellular carcinoma, are marked by enhanced expression of the hepatic elongase very long fatty acid protein 6 and increased concentrations of very long-chain fatty acids, including all-cis-4,7,10,13,16-DPA.
    • $782
    4-6 weeks
    cis-8-Octadecenoic Acid
    Cis-8-Octadecenoic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid and isomer of oleic acid, trans-vaccenic acid, trans-petroselinic acid, and cis-petroselinic acid, is present in partially hydrogenated vegetable oil and milk fat.
    • Inquiry Price
    8-10 weeks
    all-cis-4,7,10,13,16-Docosapentaenoic Acid methyl ester
    All-cis-4,7,10,13,16-Docosapentaenoic acid (all-cis-4,7,10,13,16-DPA) methyl ester, also known as Osbond acid, is an isomer of DPA and a more lipid-soluble variant of the free acid, primarily found in fish oils as an ω-3, 22-carbon fatty acid. Despite being an ω-6 fatty acid synthesized through the elongation and desaturation of arachidonic acid, its levels can decrease due to fatty acid desaturase syndrome, potentially impacting development. Additionally, increased expression of hepatic elongation of very long fatty acids protein 6 and elevated levels of very long-chain fatty acids, including all-cis-4,7,10,13,16-DPA, are indicative of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a condition that precedes hepatocellular carcinoma.
    • Inquiry Price
    8-10 weeks
    5-trans Latanoprost
    Latanoprost is an F-series prostaglandin analog which has been approved for use as an ocular hypotensive drug. 5-trans Latanoprost is an isomer of latanoprost wherein the double bond between carbons 5 and 6 has been changed from cis (Z) to trans (E). The trans isomer of latanoprost occurs as an impurity of between 2-5% in most commercial preparations of the bulk drug product. The present compound was prepared primarily as an analytical standard for detection and quantitation of this impurity. From what can be inferred from the study of other trans isomers of F-type prostaglandins, 5-trans latanoprost's biological activity is likely to be similar to that of the cis isomer. However, there are no specific published reports on the biological activity, and on the intraocular hypotensive activity in particular, of 5-trans latanoprost.
    • $183
    35 days
    Cis-Lomibuvir (cis-VX-222), a cis-isomer of Lomibuvir, is a selective non-nucleoside inhibitor of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5B polymerase (RdRp), targeting thumb pocket 2 with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 17 nM. It exhibits an EC50 of 5.2 nM against the 1b/Con1 HCV subgenomic replicon, demonstrating a preference for inhibiting elongative RNA synthesis over de novo-initiated RNA synthesis.
    • $575
    35 days
    13-cis-Retinyl acetate
    13-cis-Retinyl acetate (13-cis-Retinol acetate; 13-cis-Vitamin A acetate), a 13-cis isomer of Retinyl acetate, functions as an active metabolite of vitamin A [1].
    • Inquiry Price
    5-trans Latanoprost (free acid)
    Latanoprost is an F-series prostaglandin (PG) analog which has been approved for use as an ocular hypotensive drug. Latanoprost is an isopropyl ester, a prodrug form which is converted to latanoprost (free acid) by endogenous esterase enzymes. The free acid form is 200 times more potent than latanoprost as a ligand for the human recombinant FP receptor. 5-trans Latanoprost (free acid) is an isomer of latanoprost (free acid) wherein the double bond between carbons 5 and 6 has been changed from cis (Z) to trans (E). The trans isomer of latanoprost occurs as an impurity in commercial preparations of the bulk drug product. The present compound was prepared primarily as an analytical standard for detection and quantitation of this impurity. From what can be inferred from the study of other trans isomers of F-type prostaglandins, the biological activity of this isomer is likely to be similar to that of the cis isomer. However, there are no specific published reports on the biological activity, and on reducing intraocular pressure in particular, of 5-trans latanoprost.
    • $163
    35 days
    AEW541 HCl
    AEW541, also known as NVP-AEW541, is a novel, potent IGF-IR kinase inhibitor. NVP-AEW541 is capable of distinguishing between the IGF-IR (IC50 = 0.086 microM) and the closely related InsR (IC50 = 2.3 microM) in cells. NVP- AEW541 abrogates IGF-I-mediated survival and colony formation in soft agar at concentrations that are consistent with inhibition of IGF-IR autophosphorylation. Note: AEW541 has a Cis-configuration on the cyclobutane ring. Its CAS# is 475489-16-8. Many vendors and Sc-finder scholar made mistake - AEW541 was mistakenly listed as CAS#475488-34-7, the trans-isomer of AEW541. The correct structure of AEW541 can be confirmed from Joel Slade, et al (from Novartis), Org. Process Res. Dev. 2007, 11, 5, 825–835.
    • $198
    35 days
    5-trans Prostaglandin D2
    Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) is one of the five principal prostaglandins enzymatically derived from PGH2. It is abundantly generated in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by lipocalin-type PGD synthase and in peripheral regions by myeloid cells, such as mast cells and basophils, via leukocyte-type PGD synthase. The compound 1,25-trans-PGD2 is an isomer of PGD2, characterized by the alteration of the double bond between carbons 5 and 6 from cis(Z) to trans(E). This trans isomer, found as a 2-5% impurity in most commercial PGD2 bulk drug preparations, is primarily synthesized as an analytical standard to identify and quantify this impurity. Based on existing studies of trans isomers of F-type prostaglandins, 5-trans-PGD2 likely exhibits biological activity comparable to its cis isomer, although no specific published reports confirm this for 5-trans-PGD2.
    • Inquiry Price
    8-10 weeks
    Lomibuvir (VCH-222) is a selective, non-nucleoside allosteric inhibitor of HCV NS5B polymerase (RdRp) with a Kd of 17 nM. Lomibuvir inhibits the 1b Con1 HCV subgenomic replicon with an EC 50 of 5.2 nM. Lomibuvir preferentially inhibits elongative RNA synthesis rather than de novo -initiated RNA synthesis [1].
    • $41
    In Stock
    Zuclomiphene citrate
    Zuclomiphene citrate, a cis isomer of Clomiphene citrate, exhibits an antiestrogenic effect and inhibits the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) more effectively than its trans isomer.
    • $1,520
    6-8 weeks
    Z-CITCO acts as an agonist for the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR; with an EC50 of 3.9 µM in human receptor reporter assays) and is the cis isomer of the CAR agonist CITCO.
    • $75
    35 days
    (Z)-Capsaicin (Zucapsaicin) is a medication used to treat osteoarthritis of the knee and Others neuropathic pain.(Z)-Capsaicin is a synthetic cis isomer of natural capsaicin that has shown therapeutic efficacy in pain accompanying osteoarthritis of the knee.
    • $48
    In Stock
    Cis-Zeatin, a cytokinin plant growth regulator and an isomer of trans-zeatin, promotes callus growth in isolated N. tabacum callus tissue at concentrations between 0.1 and 1 µM.
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