De-O-methylacetovanillochromene is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TMA0750 and the CAS number is 67667-62-3.
Encecalin and demethylencecalin are major phytotoxic compounds isolated from Helianthella quinquenervis (Hook) A Gray (Asteraceae), they inhibit photosystem II (from water to 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-1,4 p-benzo-quinone).They retard seed germinati
7-Hydroxy-2,2-dimethylchromene is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TN3226 and the CAS number is 19012-97-6.
Eupatoriochromene retard seed germination , reduced radicle and hypocotyl growth of weed and crop plant seedlings and increased adventitious root formation of mung bean cuttings. Eupatoriochromene has insecticidal activity, it exhibits toxicity againstCul