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ABCC1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
ABCC1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-6xHis tag. The predicted molecular weight is 35.9 kDa and the accession number is P33527.
  • $237
20 days
XRCC5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & MBP)
Single-stranded DNA-dependent ATP-dependent helicase that plays a key role in DNA non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) by recruiting DNA-PK to DNA. Required for double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination. Also has a role in chromosome translocation. The DNA helicase II complex binds preferentially to fork-like ends of double-stranded DNA in a cell cycle-dependent manner. It works in the 3'-5' direction. During NHEJ, the XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer performs the recognition step: it recognizes and binds to the broken ends of the DNA and protects them from further resection. Binding to DNA may be mediated by XRCC6. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer acts as regulatory subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex DNA-PK by increasing the affinity of the catalytic subunit PRKDC to DNA by 100-fold. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer is probably involved in stabilizing broken DNA ends and bringing them together. The assembly of the DNA-PK complex to DNA ends is required for the NHEJ ligation step. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer probably also acts as a 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase (5'-dRP lyase), by catalyzing the beta-elimination of the 5' deoxyribose-5-phosphate at an abasic site near double-strand breaks. XRCC5 probably acts as the catalytic subunit of 5'-dRP activity, and allows to 'clean' the termini of abasic sites, a class of nucleotide damage commonly associated with strand breaks, before such broken ends can be joined. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer together with APEX1 acts as a negative regulator of transcription. In association with NAA15, the XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer binds to the osteocalcin promoter and activates osteocalcin expression. As part of the DNA-PK complex, involved in the early steps of ribosome assembly by promoting the processing of precursor rRNA into mature 18S rRNA in the small-subunit processome. Binding to U3 small nucleolar RNA, recruits PRKDC and XRCC5 Ku86 to the small-subunit processome. Plays a role in the regulation of DNA virus-mediated innate immune response by assembling into the HDP-RNP complex, a complex that serves as a platform for IRF3 phosphorylation and subsequent innate immune response activation through the cGAS-STING pathway.
  • $491
20 days
ABCB5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (Trx)
ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 5(ABCB5) is a plasma membrane-spanning protein. ABCB5 is principally expressed in physiological skin and human malignant melanoma. ABCB5 has been suggested to regulate skin progenitor cell fusion and mediate chemotherapeutic drug resistance in stem-like tumor cell subpopulations in human malignant melanoma. It is commonly over-expressed on circulating melanoma tumour cells. Furthermore, the ABCB5+ melanoma- initiating cells were demonstrated to express FLT1 (VEGFR1) receptor tyrosine kinase which was functionally required for efficient xenograft tumor formation, as demonstrated by shRNA knockdown experiments.
  • $184
7-10 days
BtuD Protein, Halobacterium salinarum, Recombinant
Required for corrinoid utilization. Probably part of the ABC transporter complex BtuCDF involved in cobalamin (vitamin B12) import. Probably responsible for energy coupling to the transport system.
  • $515
20 days
ABCB1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
ABCB1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His) is expressed in E. coli.
  • $198
20 days
ABCD1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
ABCD1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His) is expressed in in vitro E. coli expression system.
  • $2,560
20 days
XRCC5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc)
Single-stranded DNA-dependent ATP-dependent helicase that plays a key role in DNA non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) by recruiting DNA-PK to DNA. Required for double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination. Also has a role in chromosome translocation. The DNA helicase II complex binds preferentially to fork-like ends of double-stranded DNA in a cell cycle-dependent manner. It works in the 3'-5' direction. During NHEJ, the XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer performs the recognition step: it recognizes and binds to the broken ends of the DNA and protects them from further resection. Binding to DNA may be mediated by XRCC6. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer acts as regulatory subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex DNA-PK by increasing the affinity of the catalytic subunit PRKDC to DNA by 100-fold. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer is probably involved in stabilizing broken DNA ends and bringing them together. The assembly of the DNA-PK complex to DNA ends is required for the NHEJ ligation step. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer probably also acts as a 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase (5'-dRP lyase), by catalyzing the beta-elimination of the 5' deoxyribose-5-phosphate at an abasic site near double-strand breaks. XRCC5 probably acts as the catalytic subunit of 5'-dRP activity, and allows to 'clean' the termini of abasic sites, a class of nucleotide damage commonly associated with strand breaks, before such broken ends can be joined. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer together with APEX1 acts as a negative regulator of transcription. In association with NAA15, the XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer binds to the osteocalcin promoter and activates osteocalcin expression. As part of the DNA-PK complex, involved in the early steps of ribosome assembly by promoting the processing of precursor rRNA into mature 18S rRNA in the small-subunit processome. Binding to U3 small nucleolar RNA, recruits PRKDC and XRCC5 Ku86 to the small-subunit processome. Plays a role in the regulation of DNA virus-mediated innate immune response by assembling into the HDP-RNP complex, a complex that serves as a platform for IRF3 phosphorylation and subsequent innate immune response activation through the cGAS-STING pathway.
  • $198
20 days
BtuD Protein, Halobacterium salinarum, Recombinant (His)
Required for corrinoid utilization. Probably part of the ABC transporter complex BtuCDF involved in cobalamin (vitamin B12) import. Probably responsible for energy coupling to the transport system.
  • $284
20 days
G3BP1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
G3BP1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His) is expressed in E. coli.
  • $237
20 days
KARS Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Lysine-tRNA ligase, also known as Lysyl-tRNA synthetase, LysRS, KARS and KIAA0070, belongs to the class-II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase family. The N-terminal cytoplasmic domain (1-65) is a functional tRNA-binding domain, which is required for nuclear localization, is involved in the interaction with DARS, but has a repulsive role in the binding to EEF1A1. A central domain (208-259) is involved in homodimerization and is required for interaction with HIV-1 GAG and incorporation into virions. KARS catalyzes the specific attachment of an amino acid to its cognate tRNA in a two step reaction: the amino acid (AA) is first activated by ATP to form AA-AMP and then transferred to the acceptor end of the tRNA. Defects in KARS are the cause of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease recessive intermediate type B (CMTRIB).
  • $184
7-10 days
VCP Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Valosin-Containing Protein (VCP) is a nuclear protein that belongs to the AAA ATPase family. VCP is a putative ATP-binding protein involved in vesicle transport and fusion, 26S proteasome function, and assembly of peroxisomes. It is necessary for the fragmentation of Golgi stacks during mitosis and their reassembly after mitosis. VCP has been implicated in a number of cellular events that are regulated during mitosis, including homotypic membrane fusion, spindle pole body function, and ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation. VCP participates in the formation of the transitional endoplasmic reticulum (tER) and regulates E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase activity of RNF19A.
  • $184
7-10 days
CHD1L Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
DNA helicase which plays a role in chromatin-remodeling following DNA damage. Targeted to sites of DNA damage through interaction with poly(ADP-ribose) and functions to regulate chromatin during DNA repair. Able to catalyze nucleosome sliding in an ATP-dependent manner. Helicase activity is strongly stimulated upon poly(ADP-ribose)-binding. CHD1L Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & SUMO) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-6xHis-SUMO tag. The predicted molecular weight is 37.3 kDa and the accession number is Q86WJ1.
  • $284
20 days
SMARCA4 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Involved in transcriptional activation and repression of select genes by chromatin remodeling (alteration of DNA-nucleosome topology). Component of SWI SNF chromatin remodeling complexes that carry out key enzymatic activities, changing chromatin structure by altering DNA-histone contacts within a nucleosome in an ATP-dependent manner. Component of the CREST-BRG1 complex, a multiprotein complex that regulates promoter activation by orchestrating the calcium-dependent release of a repressor complex and the recruitment of an activator complex. In resting neurons, transcription of the c-FOS promoter is inhibited by SMARCA4-dependent recruitment of a phospho-RB1-HDAC repressor complex. Upon calcium influx, RB1 is dephosphorylated by calcineurin, which leads to release of the repressor complex. At the same time, there is increased recruitment of CREBBP to the promoter by a CREST-dependent mechanism, which leads to transcriptional activation. The CREST-BRG1 complex also binds to the NR2B promoter, and activity-dependent induction of NR2B expression involves the release of HDAC1 and recruitment of CREBBP. Belongs to the neural progenitors-specific chromatin remodeling complex (npBAF complex) and the neuron-specific chromatin remodeling complex (nBAF complex). During neural development, a switch from a stem progenitor to a postmitotic chromatin remodeling mechanism occurs as neurons exit the cell cycle and become committed to their adult state. The transition from proliferating neural stem progenitor cells to postmitotic neurons requires a switch in subunit composition of the npBAF and nBAF complexes. As neural progenitors exit mitosis and differentiate into neurons, npBAF complexes which contain ACTL6A BAF53A and PHF10 BAF45A, are exchanged for homologous alternative ACTL6B BAF53B and DPF1 BAF45B or DPF3 BAF45C subunits in neuron-specific complexes (nBAF). The npBAF complex is essential for the self-renewal proliferative capacity of the multipotent neural stem cells. The nBAF complex along with CREST plays a role regulating the activity of genes essential for dendrite growth. SMARCA4 BAF190A may promote neural stem cell self-renewal proliferation by enhancing Notch-dependent proliferative signals, while concurrently making the neural stem cell insensitive to SHH-dependent differentiating cues. Acts as a corepressor of ZEB1 to regulate E-cadherin transcription and is required for induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) by ZEB1. Binds via DLX1 to enhancers located in the intergenic region between DLX5 and DLX6 and this binding is stabilized by the long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) Evf2. Binds to RNA in a promiscuous manner. Binding to RNAs including lncRNA Evf2 leads to inhibition of SMARCA4 ATPase and chromatin remodeling activities.
  • $231
20 days
DDX39B Protein, Human, Recombinant (GST)
Involved in nuclear export of spliced and unspliced mRNA. Assembling component of the TREX complex which is thought to couple mRNA transcription, processing and nuclear export, and specifically associates with spliced mRNA and not with unspliced pre-mRNA. TREX is recruited to spliced mRNAs by a transcription-independent mechanism, binds to mRNA upstream of the exon-junction complex (EJC) and is recruited in a splicing- and cap-dependent manner to a region near the 5' end of the mRNA where it functions in mRNA export to the cytoplasm via the TAP NFX1 pathway. May undergo several rounds of ATP hydrolysis during assembly of TREX to drive subsequent loading of components such as ALYREF THOC and CHTOP onto mRNA. Also associates with pre-mRNA independent of ALYREF THOC4 and the THO complex. Involved in the nuclear export of intronless mRNA; the ATP-bound form is proposed to recruit export adapter ALYREF THOC4 to intronless mRNA; its ATPase activity is cooperatively stimulated by RNA and ALYREF THOC4 and ATP hydrolysis is thought to trigger the dissociation from RNA to allow the association of ALYREF THOC4 and the NXF1-NXT1 heterodimer. Involved in transcription elongation and genome stability.; Splice factor that is required for the first ATP-dependent step in spliceosome assembly and for the interaction of U2 snRNP with the branchpoint. Has both RNA-stimulated ATP binding hydrolysis activity and ATP-dependent RNA unwinding activity. Even with the stimulation of RNA, the ATPase activity is weak. Can only hydrolyze ATP but not other NTPs. The RNA stimulation of ATPase activity does not have a strong preference for the sequence and length of the RNA. However, ssRNA stimulates the ATPase activity much more strongly than dsRNA. Can unwind 5' or 3' overhangs or blunt end RNA duplexes in vitro. The ATPase and helicase activities are not influenced by U2AF2; the effect of ALYREF THOC4 is reported conflictingly with [PubMed:23299939] reporting a stimulatory effect.; (Microbial infection) The TREX complex is essential for the export of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) intronless mRNAs and infectious virus production.
  • $198
20 days
TroA Protein, Treponema pallidum, Recombinant (His & Myc)
Part of an ATP-driven transport system TroABCD for zinc. Substrate-binding protein involved in the transport of zinc across the cytoplasmic membrane. TroA Protein, Treponema pallidum, Recombinant (His & Myc) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-10xHis and C-Myc tag. The predicted molecular weight is 38.2 kDa and the accession number is P96116.
  • $360
20 days
NEO Protein, K. pneumoniae, Recombinant
Aminoglycoside 3'-phosphotransferase (APH(3')), also known as aminoglycoside kinase, is an aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme and widely presented in resistant bacteria. These ATP-dependent enzymes phosphorylate the 3'-hydroxyl of a variety of aminoglycosides including kanamycins, neomycins, paromomycins, neamine, ribostamycin, geneticin, and paromamine. These phosphorylated aminoglycosides fail to bind to their respective ribosomal binding sites with high affinity; hence resistance is conferred to the drugs that are phosphorylated. APH(3') is primarily found in certain species of gram-positive bacteria.
  • $129
7-10 days
MutL Protein, E. coli, Recombinant (His)
This protein is involved in the repair of mismatches in DNA. It is required for dam-dependent methyl-directed DNA mismatch repair. May act as a 'molecular matchmaker', a protein that promotes the formation of a stable complex between two or more DNA-binding proteins in an ATP-dependent manner without itself being part of the final effector complex. The ATPase activity of MutL is stimulated by DNA. MutL Protein, E. coli, Recombinant (His) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-6xHis tag. The predicted molecular weight is 71.9 kDa and the accession number is P23367.
  • $360
20 days
MCM2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Acts as component of the MCM2-7 complex (MCM complex) which is the putative replicative helicase essential for 'once per cell cycle' DNA replication initiation and elongation in eukaryotic cells. The active ATPase sites in the MCM2-7 ring are formed through the interaction surfaces of two neighboring subunits such that a critical structure of a conserved arginine finger motif is provided in trans relative to the ATP-binding site of the Walker A box of the adjacent subunit. The six ATPase active sites, however, are likely to contribute differentially to the complex helicase activity. Required for the entry in S phase and for cell division. Plays a role in terminally differentiated hair cells development of the cochlea and induces cells apoptosis.
  • $198
20 days
PHPT1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
PHPT1, also known as 14 kDa phosphohistidine phosphatase, phosphohistidine phosphatase 1, protein janus-A homolog, PHP14, is a cytoplasm protein which belongs to the janus family. PHPT1 PHP14 is expressed abundantly in heart and skeletal muscle. Phosphatases are a diverse group of enzymes that regulate numerous cellular processes. Much of what is known relates to the tyrosine, threonine, and serine phosphatases, whereas the histidine phosphatases have not been studied as much. Protein histidine phosphorylation exists widely in vertebrates, and it plays important roles in signal transduction and other cellular functions. Protein histidine phosphorylation accounts for about 6% of the total protein phosphorylation in eukaryotic cells. The knowledge about eukaryotic PHPT (protein histidine phosphatase) is still very limited. To date, only one vertebrate PHPT has been discovered, and two crystal structures of human PHPT1 have been solved. PHPT1 PHP14 can dephosphorylate a variety of proteins (e.g. ATP-citrate lyase and the beta-subunit of G proteins). A putative active site has been identified by its electrostatic character, ion binding, and conserved protein residues.
  • $600
7-10 days
LON PROTEASE Protein, E. coli, Recombinant (His)
Lon protease, an ATP-dependent mitochondrial protease, is important in mitochondrial protein maintenance. Lon protease is a multifunctional enzyme, and its functions include the degradation of damaged proteins and naturally short-lived proteins, ATPase and chaperone-like activities, as well as DNA binding. Lon protease plays a major role in the protein quality control system in mammalian cell mitochondria. It is present in the mitochondrial matrix and degrades oxidized and misfolded proteins, thereby protecting the cell from various extracellular stresses, including oxidative stress. The intellectual disability-associated and thalidomide-binding protein cereblon (CRBN) contains a large, highly conserved Lon domain. The Lon ATP-dependent protease plays an important role in regulating many biological processes in bacteria.
  • $386
In Stock
Ku70 & Ku80 Heterodimer Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5, also known as 86 kDa subunit of Ku antigen, ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 2, ATP-dependent DNA helicase II 8 kDa subunit, CTC box-binding factor 85 kDa subunit, DNA repair protein XRCC5, Lupus Ku autoantigen protein p86, TLAA and XRCC5, is a nucleus and chromosome which belongs to the ku8 family. XRCC5 is a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATP-dependent helicase. XRCC5 has a role in chromosome translocation. X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 6, also known as 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase Ku7, ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 1, ATP-dependent DNA helicase II 7 kDa subunit, 7 kDa subunit of Ku antigen, ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 1, CTC box-binding factor 75 kDa subunit, Lupus Ku autoantigen protein p7, Thyroid-lupus autoantigen and XRCC6, is a nucleus and chromosome which belongs to the ku7 family. Heterodimer of a XRCC6 and a XRCC5 subunit associates in a DNA-dependent manner with PRKDC to form the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex DNA-PK, and with the LIG4-XRCC4 complex. The dimer also associates with NAA15, and this complex binds to the osteocalcin promoter and activates osteocalcin expression.
  • $386
In Stock
ATP6V1F Protein, Human, Recombinant (GST)
ATP6V1F encodes a component of vacuolar ATPase mediating acidification. The cDNA and the genomic sequences of ATP6V1F were cloned successfully for the first time from the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and touchdown-polymerase chain reaction, respectively. Topology prediction showed that there is one protein kinase C phosphorylation site, two Casein kinase II phosphorylation sites, and one N-myristoylation site in the ATP6V1F protein. Up-regulated expression of mammary tumor 8 kDa protein (MAT-8), complement component C1S (C1S), ferritin heavy chain (FTH1), peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (PPIA), RNA-binding protein regulatory subunit DJ-1 protein (DJ-1) and vacuolar ATP synthase subunit F (ATP6V1F) was determined in prostate carcinoma and confirmed by using quantitative real-time RT-PCR analyses.
  • $700
7-10 days
EIF4A1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc)
ATP-dependent RNA helicase which is a subunit of the eIF4F complex involved in cap recognition and is required for mRNA binding to ribosome. In the current model of translation initiation, eIF4A unwinds RNA secondary structures in the 5'-UTR of mRNAs which is necessary to allow efficient binding of the small ribosomal subunit, and subsequent scanning for the initiator codon. EIF4A1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-10xHis and C-Myc tag. The predicted molecular weight is 53.5 kDa and the accession number is P60842.
  • $284
20 days
MORC3 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
Nuclear factor which forms MORC3-NBs (nuclear bodies) via an ATP-dependent mechanism. Sumoylated MORC3-NBs can also associate with PML-NBs. Recruits TP53 and SP100 to PML-NBs, thus regulating TP53 activity. Binds RNA in vitro. May be required for influenza A transcription during viral infection. Histone methylation reader which binds to non-methylated (H3K4me0), monomethylated (H3K4me1), dimethylated (H3K4me2) and trimethylated (H3K4me3) 'Lys-4' on histone H3. The order of binding preference is H3K4me3 > H3K4me2 > H3K4me1 > H3K4me0.
  • $284
20 days