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Dps Protein, Mycobacterium smegmatis, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
Protects DNA from oxidative damage by sequestering intracellular Fe(2+) ion and storing it in the form of Fe(3+) oxyhydroxide mineral. One hydrogen peroxide oxidizes two Fe(2+) ions, which prevents hydroxyl radical production by the Fenton reaction. It protects DNA from hydroxyl radical-mediated cleavage. Binds DNA with no apparent sequence specificity without self-aggregation nor promotion of DNA condensation. Is unable to protect DNA from DNase-mediated cleavage. Dps Protein, Mycobacterium smegmatis, Recombinant (His & SUMO) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-6xHis-SUMO tag. The predicted molecular weight is 36.3 kDa and the accession number is P0C558.
  • $360
20 days
Dps Protein, Helicobacter pylori, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
Protects DNA from oxidative damage by sequestering intracellular Fe(2+) ion and storing it in the form of Fe(3+) oxyhydroxide mineral. One hydrogen peroxide oxidizes two Fe(2+) ions, which prevents hydroxyl radical production by the Fenton reaction. Required for the survival in the presence of oxidative stress. Dps is also a virulence factor that activates neutrophils, mast cells and monocytes. It binds to neutrophil-glycosphingolipids and to sulfated carbohydrates on mucin. It might have a role in the accumulation of neutrophils and monocytes at the site of infection. Induces superoxide anion generation, adhesion and chemotaxis of neutrophils, through a pertussis toxin-sensitive pathway involving MAP kinases.
  • $360
20 days
Serpin B6 Protein, Human, Recombinant (E. coli, His)
Serpin B6 belongs to the serpin family. Serpin B6 localizes to the cytoplasm. Serpin B6 is expressed in many tissues, abundantly by mast cells in different tissues and mastocytoma lesions. Serpin B6 may be involved in the regulation of serine proteinases present in the brain or extravasated from the blood. In addition, Serpin B6 may play an important role in the inner ear in the protection against leakage of lysosomal content during stress and loss of this protection results in cell death and sensorineural hearing loss.
  • $184
7-10 days
HLA-G Free Heavy Chain Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi)
HLA-G is a molecule that was first known to confer protection to the fetus from destruction by the immune system of its mother, thus critically contributing to fetal-maternal tolerance. The first functional finding constituted the basis for HLA-G research and can be summarized as such: HLA-G, membrane-bound or soluble, strongly binds its inhibitory receptors on immune cells (NK, T, B, monocytes dendritic cells), inhibits the functions of these effectors, and so induces immune inhibition.
  • $347
7-10 days
HELQ Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc)
Single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase and 5' to 3' DNA helicase. Involved in the repair of DNA cross-links and double-strand break (DSB) resistance. Participates in FANCD2-mediated repair. Forms a complex with POLN polymerase that participates in homologous recombination (HR) repair and is essential for cellular protection against DNA cross-links. HELQ Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-10xHis and C-Myc tag. The predicted molecular weight is 49.8 kDa and the accession number is Q8TDG4.
  • $284
20 days
PLD6 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Presents phospholipase and nuclease activities, depending on the different physiological conditions. Interaction with Mitoguardin (MIGA1 or MIGA2) affects the dimer conformation, facilitating the lipase activity over the nuclease activity. Plays a key role in mitochondrial fusion and fission via its phospholipase activity. In its phospholipase role, it uses the mitochondrial lipid cardiolipin as substrate to generate phosphatidate (PA or 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate), a second messenger signaling lipid. Production of PA facilitates Mitofusin-mediated fusion, whereas the cleavage of PA by the Lipin family of phosphatases produces diacylgycerol (DAG) which promotes mitochondrial fission. Both Lipin and DAG regulate mitochondrial dynamics and membrane fusion fission, important processes for adapting mitochondrial metabolism to changes in cell physiology. Mitochondrial fusion enables cells to cope with the increased nucleotide demand during DNA synthesis. Mitochondrial function and dynamics are closely associated with biological processes such as cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Mediator of MYC activity, promotes mitochondrial fusion and activates AMPK which in turn inhibits YAP TAZ, thereby inducing cell growth and proliferation. The endonuclease activity plays a critical role in PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA) biogenesis during spermatogenesis. Implicated in spermatogenesis and sperm fertility in testicular germ cells, its single strand-specific nuclease activity is critical for the biogenesis maturation of PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA). MOV10L1 selectively binds to piRNA precursors and funnels them to the endonuclease that catalyzes the first cleavage step of piRNA processing to generate piRNA intermediate fragments that are subsequently loaded to Piwi proteins. Cleaves either DNA or RNA substrates with similar affinity, producing a 5' phosphate end, in this way it participates in the processing of primary piRNA transcripts. piRNAs provide essential protection against the activity of mobile genetic elements. piRNA-mediated transposon silencing is thus critical for maintaining genome stability, in particular in germline cells when transposons are mobilized as a consequence of wide-spread genomic demethylation. PA may act as signaling molecule in the recognition transport of the precursor RNAs of primary piRNAs. Interacts with tesmin in testes, suggesting a role in spermatogenesis via association with its interacting partner.
  • $284
20 days
Sestrin-3/SESN3 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc)
May function as an intracellular leucine sensor that negatively regulates the TORC1 signaling pathway. May also regulate the insulin-receptor signaling pathway through activation of TORC2. This metabolic regulator may also play a role in protection against oxidative and genotoxic stresses. May prevent the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) through the alkylhydroperoxide reductase activity born by the N-terminal domain of the protein.
  • $284
20 days
Asp f3 Protein, Neosartorya fumigata, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
Thiol-specific peroxidase that catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen peroxide and organic hydroperoxides to water and alcohols, respectively. Plays a role in cell protection against oxidative stress by detoxifying peroxides and as sensor of hydrogen peroxide-mediated signaling events. Required for virulence.
  • $360
20 days
GBP2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (E. coli, His)
Hydrolyzes GTP to GMP in 2 consecutive cleavage reactions, but the major reaction product is GDP. Exhibits antiviral activity against influenza virus. Promotes oxidative killing and delivers antimicrobial peptides to autophagolysosomes, providing broad host protection against different pathogen classes. GBP2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (E. coli, His) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-6xHis tag. The predicted molecular weight is 22.4 kDa and the accession number is P32456.
  • $237
20 days
GLO1 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)
Lactoylglutathione lyase, also known as Methylglyoxalase, Aldoketomutase, Glyoxalase I, Ketone-aldehyde mutase, S-D-lactoylglutathione methylglyoxal lyase and GLO1, is a member of the glyoxalase I family. GLO1 Glyoxalase I is a ubiquitous cellular defense enzyme involved in the detoxification of methylglyoxal, a cytotoxic byproduct of glycolysis. Accumulative evidence suggests an important role of GLO1 expression in protection against methylglyoxal-dependent protein adduction and cellular damage associated with diabetes, cancer, and chronological aging. GLO1 Glyoxalase I has been implicated in anxiety-like behavior in mice and in multiple psychiatric diseases in humans. GLO1 Glyoxalase I catalyzes the conversion of hemimercaptal, formed from methylglyoxal and glutathione, to S-lactoylglutathione. GLO1 Glyoxalase I exists in three separable isoforms which originate from two alleles in the genome. These correspond to two homodimers and one heterodimer composed of two subunits showing different electrophoretic properties. GLO1 upregulation may play a functional role in glycolytic adaptations of cancer cells.
  • $700
7-10 days
GSH-S Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Glutathione Synthetase belongs to the eukaryotic GSH synthase family. Glutathione Synthetase is the second enzyme in the glutathione biosynthesis pathway. It catalyses the condensation of gamma-glutamylcysteine and glycine to form glutathione. Glutathione play an important role in a variety of biological functions, including detoxification of xenobiotics, protection of cells from oxidative damage by free radicals, and membrane transport. The protein functions as a homodimer to catalyze the second step of glutathione biosynthesis, which is the ATP-dependent conversion of gamma-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine to glutathione. Defects in Glutathione Synthetase can also cause the glutathione synthetase deficiency of erythrocytes, which is a mild form causing hemolytic anemia.
  • $184
7-10 days
Beta-amylase 3, chloroplastic Protein, Arabidopsis thaliana, Recombinant (His)
Beta-amylase activity. No alpha-amylase activity. Involved in cold resistance. Mediates the accumulation of maltose upon freezing stress, thus contributing to the protection of the photosynthetic electron transport chain. Plays a role in the circadian-regulated starch degradation and maltose metabolism in chloroplasts, especially at night. More active on phosphorylated glucan. Interacts directly with starch or other alpha-1,4-glucan.
  • $360
20 days
Interferon kappa/IFNK Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
May play a role in the regulation of immune cell function. Cytokine that imparts cellular protection against viral infection in a species-specific manner. Activates the interferon-stimulated response element signaling pathway. It is able to directly modulate cytokine release from monocytes and dendritic cells. Binds heparin.
  • $284
20 days
KRT18 Protein, Human, Recombinant (E. coli, His)
Involved in the uptake of thrombin-antithrombin complexes by hepatic cells. When phosphorylated, plays a role in filament reorganization. Involved in the delivery of mutated CFTR to the plasma membrane. Together with KRT8, is involved in interleukin-6 (IL-6)-mediated barrier protection. KRT18 Protein, Human, Recombinant (E. coli, His) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-6xHis tag. The predicted molecular weight is 52.0 kDa and the accession number is P05783.
  • $198
20 days
KRT18 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Involved in the uptake of thrombin-antithrombin complexes by hepatic cells. When phosphorylated, plays a role in filament reorganization. Involved in the delivery of mutated CFTR to the plasma membrane. Together with KRT8, is involved in interleukin-6 (IL-6)-mediated barrier protection.
  • $465
20 days
PON1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (GST)
Hydrolyzes the toxic metabolites of a variety of organophosphorus insecticides. Capable of hydrolyzing a broad spectrum of organophosphate substrates and lactones, and a number of aromatic carboxylic acid esters. Mediates an enzymatic protection of low density lipoproteins against oxidative modification and the consequent series of events leading to atheroma formation.
  • $198
20 days
KIAA0101 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
KIAA11, also known as p15(PAF), is a proliferating cell nuclear antigen-associated factor that interacts with proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA). It was initially isolated in a yeast two-hybrid screen for PCNA binding partners and was shown to bind PCNA competitively with the cell cycle regulator p21(WAF). KIAA11 is localized primarily in the nucleus. It shares the conserved PCNA binding motif with several other PCNA binding proteins including CDK inhibitor p21. KIAA11 is involved in cell proliferation and plays a role in early tumor recurrence (ETR), and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). KIAA11 is expressed predominantly in the liver, pancreas, and placenta. It cannot be detected in the heart or brain. It is highly expressed in some tumors, especially esophageal tumors, in anaplastic thyroid carcinomas, and non-small-cell lung cancer lines. Overexpression of KIAA11 predicts high stage, early tumor recurrence, and poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. It also may be involved in the protection of cells from UV-induced cell death.
  • $600
7-10 days
PARK7/DJ-1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Parkinson's disease locus DJ-1 (PARK7) is a differentially expressed transcript. DJ-1 plays a physiologic role in protection of erythroid cells from oxidant damage, a function unmasked in the context of oxidative stress. PARK7 belongs to the peptidase C56 family of proteins. It acts as a positive regulator of androgen receptor-dependent transcription. It may also function as a redox-sensitive chaperone, as a sensor for oxidative stress, and it apparently protects neurons against oxidative stress and cell death. Mutations in the DJ-1 gene are associated with rare forms of autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson's disease (PD). DJ-1 p53 interactions contribute to apoptosis resistance in clonal myeloid cells and may serve as a prognostic marker in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). DJ-1 regulates redox signaling kinase pathways and acts as a transcriptional regulator of antioxidative gene batteries. Therefore, DJ-1 is an important redox-reactive signaling intermediate controlling oxidative stress after ischemia, upon neuroinflammation, and during age-related neurodegenerative processes. Augmenting DJ-1 activity might provide novel approaches to treating chronic neurodegenerative illnesses such as Parkinson's disease and acute damage such as stroke.
  • $398
7-10 days
AKR1B1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Aldose reductase (AKR1B1) belongs to the aldo keto reductase superfamily. AKR1B1 is a NADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductase best known as the rate-limiting enzyme of the polyol pathway. Expression of AKR1B1 was the highest in lens and retina. It is the first enzyme in the polyol pathway through which glucose is converted to sorbitol which is important for the function of various organs in the body, and has been implicated in the etiology of diabetic complications. AKR1B1 is quite abundant in the collecting tubule cells and thought to provide protection against hypertonic environment. Some human tissues contain AKR1B1 as well as AKR1B10, a closely related member of the aldo-keto reductase superfamily.
  • $498
7-10 days
MST3 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Aberrant STK24 expression was an independent prognostic indicator in lung adenocarcinoma patients. Its dysregulation was associated with its DNA copy number alteration and methylation. STK24 CCM3-regulated exocytosis plays an important role in the protection of kidneys from ischemia-reperfusion injury.
  • $498
7-10 days
EPO/Erythropoietin Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormone that is principally known for its role in erythropoiesis, where it is responsible for stimulating proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells. Erythropoietin is a member of the EPO TPO family. It is a secreted, glycosylated cytokine composed of four alpha helical bundles. The differentiation of CFU-E (Colony Forming Unit-Erythroid) cells into erythrocytes can only be accomplished in the presence of EPO. Physiological levels of EPO in adult mammals are maintained primarily by the kidneys, whereas levels in fetal or neonatal mammals are maintained by the liver. EPO also can exert various non-hematopoietic activities, including vascularization and proliferation of smooth muscle, neural protection during hypoxia, and stimulation of certain B cells. Genetic variation in erythropoietin is associated with susceptbility to microvascular complications of diabetes type 2. These are pathological conditions that develop in numerous tissues and organs as a consequence of diabetes mellitus. They include diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy leading to end-stage renal disease, and diabetic neuropathy.
  • $55
In Stock
OBhFc1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
CST Complex Subunit STN1 (OBFC1) is a 368 amino acid protein that contains one OB DNA-binding domain. It is a member of the STN1 family. OBFC1 is component of the CST complex, a complex that binds to single-stranded DNA and is required to protect telomeres from DNA degradation. The CST complex binds single-stranded DNA with high affinity in a sequence-independent manner, while isolated subunits bind DNA with low affinity by themselves. In addition to telomere protection, the CST complex has probably a more general role in DNA metabolism at non-telomeric sites.
  • $184
7-10 days
NGAL/Lipocalin-2 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (hFc)
Lipocalin-2, also known as Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL), is a secretory protein of the lipocalin superfamily. Lipocalin-2 contains a signal peptide that enables it to be secreted and form complexes with matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) through disulfide bonds. Similar to other lipocalin family members, Lipocalin-2 is involved in diverse cellular processes, including the transport of small hydrophobic molecules, protection of MMP-9 from proteolytic degradation, and cell signaling. Furthermore, Lipocalin-2 can tightly bind to bacterial siderophore through a cell surface receptor, possibly serving as a potent bacteriostatic agent by sequestering iron, regulating innate immunity and protecting kidney epithelial cells from ischemia–reperfusion injury. This protein is mainly expressed in neutrophils and in lower levels in the kidney, prostate, and epithelia of the respiratory and alimentary tracts.Recent evidence also suggests its role as a biomarker for renal injury and inflammation.
  • $91
7-10 days
IL-12B Protein, Human, Recombinant
Interleukin-12 subunit beta (IL-12B) belongs to the type I cytokine receptor family. It contains 1 fibronectin type-III domain and 1 Ig-like C2-type domain. IL-12B is a cytokine that acts on T and natural killer cells, and has a broad array of biological activities. IL-12 is a disulfide-linked heterodimer composed of the 40 kD cytokine receptor encoded by IL12B and a 35 kD subunit encoded by IL12A. IL12 is expressed by activated macrophages that serve as an essential inducer of Th1 cells development. It has been found to be important for sustaining a sufficient number of memory effector Th1 cells to mediate long-term protection to an intracellular pathogen.
  • $129
7-10 days
IKBKB Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Serine kinase that plays an essential role in the NF-kappa-B signaling pathway which is activated by multiple stimuli such as inflammatory cytokines, bacterial or viral products, DNA damages or other cellular stresses. Acts as part of the canonical IKK complex in the conventional pathway of NF-kappa-B activation. Phosphorylates inhibitors of NF-kappa-B on 2 critical serine residues. These modifications allow polyubiquitination of the inhibitors and subsequent degradation by the proteasome. In turn, free NF-kappa-B is translocated into the nucleus and activates the transcription of hundreds of genes involved in immune response, growth control, or protection against apoptosis. In addition to the NF-kappa-B inhibitors, phosphorylates several other components of the signaling pathway including NEMO IKBKG, NF-kappa-B subunits RELA and NFKB1, as well as IKK-related kinases TBK1 and IKBKE. IKK-related kinase phosphorylations may prevent the overproduction of inflammatory mediators since they exert a negative regulation on canonical IKKs. Phosphorylates FOXO3, mediating the TNF-dependent inactivation of this pro-apoptotic transcription factor. Also phosphorylates other substrates including NCOA3, BCL10 and IRS1. Within the nucleus, acts as an adapter protein for NFKBIA degradation in UV-induced NF-kappa-B activation. Phosphorylates RIPK1 at 'Ser-25' which represses its kinase activity and consequently prevents TNF-mediated RIPK1-dependent cell death. Phosphorylates the C-terminus of IRF5, stimulating IRF5 homodimerization and translocation into the nucleus.
  • $491
20 days
HFBII Protein, Hypocrea jecorina, Recombinant (B2M & His & JD)
Responsible for spore hydrophobicity and protection. HFBII Protein, Hypocrea jecorina, Recombinant (B2M & His & JD) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-10xHis-B2M-JD tag. The predicted molecular weight is 12.7 kDa and the accession number is P79073.
  • $360
20 days
PTMA Protein, Human, Recombinant (GST)
PTMA (prothymosin, alpha, N-GST chimera) is a small, 12.4 kDa protein. It is a 109-111 amino acid long polypeptide as the precursor of thymosin a1. Thymosins are named becaues they were originally isolated from the thymus. But now in many other tissues, thymosins also can be detected. Thymosins have diverse biological activities, and two in particular, thymosins a1 and _4, have potentially important uses in medicine, some of which have already progressed from the laboratory to the clinic. In general, PTMA is associated with cellular proliferation and carcinogenesis (Eschenfeldt et al., 1986), cellular and viral transcription (Cotter et al., 2000), protection against apoptosis and chromatin remodelling (Karetsou et al., 1998). PTMA may have a dual role both intracellulary and extracellulary. In relation to diseases, thymosins have been categorized as biological response modifiers. Thymosin a1 is derived from PTMA. For animals that lack thymus glands, thymosin a1 is responsible for the activity of that preparation in restoring immune function.
  • $700
7-10 days
Mucin-17/MUC17 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Mucins are key components of the mucosal barrier in the stomach that protects epithelia from carcinogenic effects of chronic inflammation. Analysis of The Cancer Genome Atlas database indicated that mucin17 (MUC17) was more highly expressed in gastric cancer (GC) specimens, with favourable prognosis for patients. And that p38 signalling is a key factor involved in MUC17-mediated inhibition of GC cell proliferation and protection against inflammatory stimulation, MUC17 upregulates the expression of MYH9 and p53, and activates the p38 pathway in GC cells through RhoA signalling.
  • $86
7-10 days
IGF1R/CD221 Protein, Human, Recombinant (aa 31-932, His & Avi), Biotinylated
The type 1 IGF receptor (IGF1R) is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase that is frequently overexpressed by tumours, and mediates proliferation and apoptosis protection. IGF signalling also influences hypoxia signalling, protease secretion, tumour cell motility and adhesion, and thus can affect the propensity for invasion and metastasis. Therefore, the IGF1R is now an attractive anti-cancer treatment target. IGF1R CD221 Protein, Human, Recombinant (aa 31-932, His & Avi), Biotinylated is expressed in HEK293 mammalian cells with C-His-Avi tag. The predicted molecular weight is 105.8 kDa (alpha subunit) and 23 kDa (beta subunit) and the accession number is P08069.
  • $814
7-10 days
IKBKB Protein, Human, Recombinant (E. coli, His)
Serine kinase that plays an essential role in the NF-kappa-B signaling pathway which is activated by multiple stimuli such as inflammatory cytokines, bacterial or viral products, DNA damages or other cellular stresses. Acts as part of the canonical IKK complex in the conventional pathway of NF-kappa-B activation. Phosphorylates inhibitors of NF-kappa-B on 2 critical serine residues. These modifications allow polyubiquitination of the inhibitors and subsequent degradation by the proteasome. In turn, free NF-kappa-B is translocated into the nucleus and activates the transcription of hundreds of genes involved in immune response, growth control, or protection against apoptosis. In addition to the NF-kappa-B inhibitors, phosphorylates several other components of the signaling pathway including NEMO IKBKG, NF-kappa-B subunits RELA and NFKB1, as well as IKK-related kinases TBK1 and IKBKE. IKK-related kinase phosphorylations may prevent the overproduction of inflammatory mediators since they exert a negative regulation on canonical IKKs. Phosphorylates FOXO3, mediating the TNF-dependent inactivation of this pro-apoptotic transcription factor. Also phosphorylates other substrates including NCOA3, BCL10 and IRS1. Within the nucleus, acts as an adapter protein for NFKBIA degradation in UV-induced NF-kappa-B activation. Phosphorylates RIPK1 at 'Ser-25' which represses its kinase activity and consequently prevents TNF-mediated RIPK1-dependent cell death. Phosphorylates the C-terminus of IRF5, stimulating IRF5 homodimerization and translocation into the nucleus.
  • $284
20 days
Frataxin/FXN Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)
Promotes the biosynthesis of heme and assembly and repair of iron-sulfur clusters by delivering Fe(2+) to proteins involved in these pathways. May play a role in the protection against iron-catalyzed oxidative stress through its ability to catalyze the oxidation of Fe(2+) to Fe(3+); the oligomeric form but not the monomeric form has in vitro ferroxidase activity. May be able to store large amounts of iron in the form of a ferrihydrite mineral by oligomerization. Modulates the RNA-binding activity of ACO1.
  • $284
20 days
Frataxin/FXN Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (E. coli, His)
Promotes the biosynthesis of heme and assembly and repair of iron-sulfur clusters by delivering Fe(2+) to proteins involved in these pathways. May play a role in the protection against iron-catalyzed oxidative stress through its ability to catalyze the oxidation of Fe(2+) to Fe(3+); the oligomeric form but not the monomeric form has in vitro ferroxidase activity. May be able to store large amounts of iron in the form of a ferrihydrite mineral by oligomerization. Modulates the RNA-binding activity of ACO1.
  • $284
20 days
PON1 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant
Hydrolyzes the toxic metabolites of a variety of organophosphorus insecticides. Capable of hydrolyzing a broad spectrum of organophosphate substrates and lactones, and a number of aromatic carboxylic acid esters. Mediates an enzymatic protection of low density lipoproteins against oxidative modification. PON1 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant is expressed in E. coli expression system. The predicted molecular weight is 39.4 kDa and the accession number is P52430.
  • $362
20 days
Hydrophobin-2/HFB2 Protein, Trichoderma reesei, Recombinant (His & SUMOstar)
Responsible for spore hydrophobicity and protection. Hydrophobin-2 HFB2 Protein, Trichoderma reesei, Recombinant (His & SUMOstar) is expressed in yeast with N-6xHis-SUMOSTAR tag. The predicted molecular weight is 23.2 kDa and the accession number is P79073.
  • $397
20 days
LCN1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Lipocalin-1, also known as Von Ebner gland protein, VEG protein, Tear Prealbumin, VEGP, Tear lipocalin, and LCN1 is a secreted protein that belongs to the calycin superfamily and Lipocalin family. Human Lipocalin-1 VEGP was originally described as a major protein of human tear fluid, which was thought to be tear specific. Lipocalin-1 VEGP is identical to lingual von Ebner's gland protein and is also produced in the prostate, nasal mucosa, and tracheal mucosa. Homologous proteins have been found in the rat, pig, and probably dog and horse. Lipocalin-1 VEGP is an unusual lipocalin member, because of its high promiscuity for relative insoluble lipids and binding characteristics that differ from other members. Lipocalin-1 VEGP acts as the principal lipid-binding protein in tear fluid, a more general physiological function has to be proposed due to its wide distribution and properties. Lipocalin-1 VEGP would be ideally suited for scavenging of lipophilic, potentially harmful substances and thus might act as a general protection factor of epithelia. Lipocalin-1 LCN1 could play a role in taste reception. It could be necessary for the concentration and delivery of sapid molecules in the gustatory system. Lipocalin-1 LCN1 can bind various ligands, with chemical structures ranging from lipids and retinoids to the macrocyclic antibiotic rifampicin and even to microbial siderophores. It exhibits an extremely wide ligand pocket.
  • $600
7-10 days
IGF1R/CD221 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi)
The type 1 IGF receptor (IGF1R) is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase that is frequently overexpressed by tumours, and mediates proliferation and apoptosis protection. IGF signalling also influences hypoxia signalling, protease secretion, tumour cell motility and adhesion, and thus can affect the propensity for invasion and metastasis. Therefore, the IGF1R is now an attractive anti-cancer treatment target. IGF1R CD221 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi) is expressed in HEK293 mammalian cells with C-His-Avi tag. The predicted molecular weight is 105.8 kDa (alpha subunit) and 23 kDa (beta subunit) and the accession number is P08069.
  • $487
7-10 days
IGF1R/CD221 Protein, Cynomolgus, Recombinant (His)
The type 1 IGF receptor (IGF1R) is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase that is frequently overexpressed by tumours, and mediates proliferation and apoptosis protection. IGF signalling also influences hypoxia signalling, protease secretion, tumour cell motility and adhesion, and thus can affect the propensity for invasion and metastasis. Therefore, the IGF1R is now an attractive anti-cancer treatment target. IGF1R CD221 Protein, Cynomolgus, Recombinant (His) is expressed in HEK293 mammalian cells with C-His tag. The predicted molecular weight is 80.59 kDa (alpha subunit) and 19.28 kDa (beta subunit) and the accession number is G7P9I7.
  • $487
7-10 days
2-Cys Prx A Protein, Arabidopsis thaliana, Recombinant (His)
Thiol-specific peroxidase that catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen peroxide and organic hydroperoxides to water and alcohols, respectively. Plays a role in cell protection against oxidative stress by detoxifying peroxides. May be an antioxidant enzyme particularly in the developing shoot and photosynthesizing leaf. 2-Cys Prx A Protein, Arabidopsis thaliana, Recombinant (His) is expressed in yeast with N-6xHis tag. The predicted molecular weight is 24.4 kDa and the accession number is Q96291.
  • $397
20 days
ELAVL4 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc & SUMO)
RNA-binding protein that is involved in the post-transcriptional regulation of mRNAs. Plays a role in the regulation of mRNA stability, alternative splicing and translation. Binds to AU-rich element (ARE) sequences in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of target mRNAs, including GAP43, VEGF, FOS, CDKN1A and ACHE mRNA. Many of the target mRNAs are coding for RNA-binding proteins, transcription factors and proteins involved in RNA processing and or neuronal development and function. By binding to the mRNA 3'UTR, decreases mRNA deadenylation and thereby contributes to the stabilization of mRNA molecules and their protection from decay. Also binds to the polyadenylated (poly(A)) tail in the 3'UTR of mRNA, thereby increasing its affinity for mRNA binding. Mainly plays a role in neuron-specific RNA processing by stabilization of mRNAs such as GAP43, ACHE and mRNAs of other neuronal proteins, thereby contributing to the differentiation of neural progenitor cells, nervous system development, learning and memory mechanisms. Involved in the negative regulation of the proliferative activity of neuronal stem cells and in the positive regulation of neuronal differentiation of neural progenitor cells. Promotes neuronal differentiation of neural stem progenitor cells in the adult subventricular zone of the hippocampus by binding to and stabilizing SATB1 mRNA. Binds and stabilizes MSI1 mRNA in neural stem cells. Exhibits increased binding to ACHE mRNA during neuronal differentiation, thereby stabilizing ACHE mRNA and enhancing its expression. Protects CDKN1A mRNA from decay by binding to its 3'-UTR. May bind to APP and BACE1 mRNAS and the BACE1AS lncRNA and enhance their stabilization. Plays a role in neurite outgrowth and in the establishment and maturation of dendritic arbors, thereby contributing to neocortical and hippocampal circuitry function. Stabilizes GAP43 mRNA and protects it from decay during postembryonic development in the brain. By promoting the stabilization of GAP43 mRNA, plays a role in NGF-mediated neurite outgrowth. Binds to BDNF long 3'UTR mRNA, thereby leading to its stabilization and increased dendritic translation after activation of PKC. By increasing translation of BDNF after nerve injury, may contribute to nerve regeneration. Acts as a stabilizing factor by binding to the 3'UTR of NOVA1 mRNA, thereby increasing its translation and enhancing its functional activity in neuron-specific splicing. Stimulates translation of mRNA in a poly(A)- and cap-dependent manner, possibly by associating with the EIF4F cap-binding complex. May also negatively regulate translation by binding to the 5'UTR of Ins2 mRNA, thereby repressing its translation. Upon glucose stimulation, Ins2 mRNA is released from ELAVL4 and translational inhibition is abolished. Also plays a role in the regulation of alternative splicing. May regulate alternative splicing of CALCA pre-mRNA into Calcitonin and Calcitonin gene-related peptide 1 (CGRP) by competing with splicing regulator TIAR for binding to U-rich intronic sequences of CALCA pre-mRNA.
  • $198
20 days
Interferon epsilon/IFNE Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Type I interferon required for maintaining basal levels of IFN-regulated genes, including 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase, IRF7 and ISG15, in the female reproductive tract. Directly mediates protection against viral and bacterial genital infections.
  • $198
20 days
TXNRD2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Thiol-specific peroxidase that catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen peroxide and organic hydroperoxides to water and alcohols, respectively. Plays a role in cell protection against oxidative stress by detoxifying peroxides. Acts synergistically with MAP3K13 to regulate the activation of NF-kappa-B in the cytosol. TXNRD2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-6xHis tag. The predicted molecular weight is 25.5 kDa and the accession number is P30048.
  • $198
20 days
BVES Protein, Human, Recombinant (GST)
Blood vessel epicardial substance (BVES), or POPDC1, is a tight junction-associated transmembrane protein that modulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) via junctional signaling pathways. BVES plays a protective role both in ulcerative and infectious colitis and identify BVES as a critical protector of colonic mucosal integrity. The Popeye domain containing1, also called Bves (Popdc1 Bves), is a transmembrane protein that functions in muscle regeneration, heart rate regulation, hypoxia tolerance, and ischemia preconditioning. The expression of Popdc1 Bves is elevated in cardiomyocytes maintained in serum free defined medium. Popdc1 Bves plays a role in the preservation of cardiomyocyte viability under serum deficiency through the alteration of Rac1 activity and the regulation of Bnip3 expression by FoxO3 and NFκB transcription factors pointing to Popdc1 Bves as a potential target to enhance heart protection. Blood vessel epicardial substance (BVES) is a tight junction-associated protein that regulates epithelial-mesenchymal states and is underexpressed in epithelial malignancy. Loss of BVES promotes inflammatory tumourigenesis through dysregulation of Wnt signalling and the oncogene c-Myc. BVES promoter methylation status may serve as a CAC biomarker. Blood vessel epicardial substance (BVES Popdc1) is a junctional-associated transmembrane protein that is underexpressed in a number of malignancies and regulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. BVES is a key regulator of intestinal stem cell programs and mucosal homeostasis.
  • $700
7-10 days
CHIT1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Chitotriosidase, also known as Chitinase-1 and CHIT1, is a member of the glycosyl hydrolase 18 family and Chitinase class II subfamily. It is a member of the mammalian chitinase family, structurally homologous to chitinases from other species, is synthesized and secreted by specifically activated macrophages. Chitotriosidase is a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine. Serum and plasma chitotriosidase activity is usually measured as the first step in diagnosis of Gaucher disease. Monitoring chitotriosidase activity is widely used during treatment of this pathology by enzyme replacement therapy. Its elevated plasma level reflects gradual intralysosomal accumulation in Gaucher cells (lipid-loaded macrophages). Macrophages overloaded by the enzyme accumulated in lysosomal material (lipids) were shown to secrete chitotriosidase; its increased expression was noted in several lysosomal storage diseases and atherosclerosis. In addition to lipid storage disorders, where Chit activity has longer been used as a marker of disease activity and therapeutic response, elevation of plasma Chit may occur in hematological disorders with storage of erythrocyte membrane breakdown products as thalassemia and different systemic infectious diseases sustained by fungi and other pathogens. Recently, increased Chit activity was demonstrated in CNS from patients with different neurological disorders. Chitotriosidase is believed to play a role in mechanisms of immunity and protection against chitin-containing pathogens.
  • $498
7-10 days
Serpin B6 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
SerpinB6, also known as Cytoplasmic antiproteinase, Peptidase inhibitor 6, Placental thrombin inhibitor, SERPINB6 and PI-6, is a cytoplasm protein that belongs to the serpin family and Ov-serpin subfamily. SerpinB6 PI-6 is an inhibitor of cathepsin G, kallikrein-8 and thrombin. It may play an important role in the inner ear in the protection against leakage of lysosomal content during stress and loss of this protection results in cell death and sensorineural hearing loss. SerpinB6 PI-6 is expressed in keratinocytes (at protein level). It is also found in placenta, cardiac muscle, lung, liver, kidney and pancreas. SerpinB6 PI-6 is expressed in the inner ear hair cells. It’s expressed abundantly by normal mast cells in different tissues and by mast cells in mastocytoma lesions. SerpinB6 PI-6 may be involved in the regulation of serine proteinases present in the brain or extravasated from the blood. Defects in SerpinB6 are the cause of deafness autosomal recessive type 91 which is a form of non-syndromic deafness characterized by progressive and age-dependent sensorineural hearing loss. Vestibular function is normal.
  • $600
7-10 days
CCL28 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
CCL28 chemokine is expressed by epithelial cells of various mucosal tissues. This chemokine binds to CCR3 and CCR10 receptors and plays an essential role in the IgA antibody secreting cells (IgA-ASC) homing to mucosal surfaces and lactating mammary gland as well. Besides, CCL28 has been shown to exert a potent antimicrobial activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and fungi. The potent antimicrobial function of CCL28 combined with its wide distribution in mucosal tissues and secretions suggest that this protein plays an important role in innate immune protection of the epithelial surfaces. CCL28 is a human chemokine constitutively expressed by epithelial cells in diverse mucosal tissues and is known to attract a variety of immune cell types including T-cell subsets and eosinophils. Elevated levels of CCL28 have been found in the airways of individuals with asthma, and previous studies have indicated that CCL28 plays a vital role in the acute development of post-viral asthma. CCL28 presents a novel target for the development of alternative asthma therapeutics. The dental decay of children leads to the secretion of chemokine CCL28, which promotes the secretion of sIgA in saliva. CC chemokine ligand28 (CCL28) has been reported as a severity marker in atopic dermatitis.
  • $383
7-10 days